March 2024

Dr. Chaterji is a co-organizer for the 2024 NSF CPS PI meeting in Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.

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In it she is organizing these two sessions, a plenary panel on March 20 and a breakout session on March 21.

1. KeyByte CEO, Dr. Somali Chaterji, will be moderating the Startups and Technology Transition panel for the 2024 NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting.

Abstract:This panel zeroes in on the transformative journey of turning innovative research into commercially viable technology, specifically within the sectors of computer systems and cyberphysical infrastructures. It underscores the process of acquiring essential funding --- including center-scale grants, NSF GOALIs, and NSF CAREER awards --- and highlights successful strategies for forging the academia-industry nexus. Panelists with a proven track record in assembling compelling center-scale proposals, nurturing industry-academia partnerships, and synchronizing their research goals with funding opportunities will share their insights. The discussion will traverse the intricacies of launching startups, securing funding, and identifying the product-market fit, aiming to shed light on the complex landscape of technology transition. Participants will learn about moving from theoretical concepts to practical, durable technological solutions, with a particular emphasis on advancing areas such as CPS automation, mobility startups, CPS in healthcare and agriculture, and developing scalable, cost-aware cloud infrastructures for CPS deployment. This session aims to provide attendees with actionable insights for advancing computer systems and cyberphysical infrastructures from concept to market entry, emphasizing specific pathways for innovation.
Following this session, we will convene a Part 2 featuring a panel of virtual panelists who will further advance the conversation, diving deeper into the intricacies of technology transition in computer systems and CPS.

Visit Breakout Page Program Agenda

2. KeyByte CEO, Dr. Somali Chaterji, will also be moderating the Robust and Secure Learning for IoT for the 2024 NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting. Dr. Chaterji is a co-organizer for the 2024 NSF CPS PI meeting in Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.

As the digital tapestry of the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, a distinct yet interconnected realm known as the Internet of Small Things (IoST) emerges, challenging the traditional boundaries of data security and algorithmic robustness. This domain, populated by compact IoST with outsized roles, operates at the intersection of ubiquitous computing with granular data collection. These devices serve as microscopic sentinels of our digital and physical worlds. Their operation underscores a vital need for learning algorithms that are not only effective in deciphering the noisy backdrop of real-world data but are also fortified against cybersecurity threats. This requirement is accentuated by their increased vulnerability within decentralized networks, coupled with the inherent computational constraints of these devices.
This discussion will explore the development and implementation of learning solutions that cater to the unique demands of IoST devices. It focuses on creating algorithms that are efficient, able to cope with the challenges of processing high volumes of data on hardware with restricted capabilities and embedding security measures from the ground up. The aim is to enhance the functionality and safeguard the integrity of these devices, ensuring that they can reliably perform their roles in the vast IoT ecosystem. By addressing these aspects, the conversation seeks to provide insights into advancing IoST, highlighting the importance of secure, robust learning technologies that support the seamless integration and operation of these tiny devices in various cyberphysical (CPS) applications.